Entering the void

Dearest J,

I think I’ve entered a void of depression that I haven’t seen in a long time. I’m having so many issues in my life

Also, I noticed Russell Brand got baptized.

I’m not ok.

I feel like I’m having spiritual confusion, my relationship is falling apart, I’m having this legal issue with this complete asshole, and I’m being hurt by both my dad and mom. My uncle (on my dad’s side) is dying so my Dad’s in Germany to hang out with him.

I can’t deal right now.

I woke up extremely angry, more angry than I’ve ever been for maybe 20 years. I feel fat man. I really do. I’ve been really pissed off. I don’t know how to get over these feelings.

J, please help me.

Amen ♡ xo, Fay


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